[제367호] 이달의 공공갈등 논문 및 저서 소개
작성자: 관리자 | 작성일: 2023.08.30 | 조회수: 130



                     [제367호] 2023년 8월 30


                발행인: 가상준  편집인: 임재형



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  이달의 공공갈등 논문 및 저서

이달(2023년 8월)의 공공갈등 논문


논문명 : Public Conflict and Conflict Management Policy in Korea: With a Case Study of the Sihwa Town Development Project

출 처 : 한국지역개발학회지, 2018, 30(1), 47-72

저 자 : 문태훈

초 록 : The goals of this study are to analyze the underlying structure of public conflict in Korean society, identify problems and limits of the current conflict resolving institution, and make policy suggestions for a conflict management policy. For these purposes, both national conflict management institutions and the Sihwa Sustainable Development Council, as an alternative conflict management institution, were examined. Study results show that the numerous conflicts involving government organizations are largely symbolic, without a coherent control tower for conflict management. Further, there is as yet no law governing social and public conflict using an alternative dispute resolution procedure. Contrary to the lack of administrative capacity and preparation for conflict resolution at a national level, the Sihwa Sustainable Development Council, established in 2004 at local area, has been quite successful in dealing with serious conflicts resulting from the Sihwa Lake development project. The council has functioned as a deliberative governance body, cooperative planning body, and as a new form of environmental problem-solving institution. Based on these findings, several policy suggestions for advanced conflict management policy in Korea are suggested.





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